
You suspected something was wrong.

Something was “off,” you had a “feeling in your gut,” but you didn’t know any specifics.

And now it’s been confirmed there’s been betrayal in your relationship.

You’re experiencing many emotions: bitterness, anger, conflict, isolation, loving, and seeking retribution toward your partner.

You don’t know what to do. It feels like you’re just keeping your head above water.

In your anger, you want to throw a pan at your partner, but you practice self-restraint.

In your frustration, you don’t want to make eye contact with the betrayer, so you look at the floor, the ceiling – anything you can do to look away from the person.

You strive not to have your eyes connect, as you know that once eye contact occurs, the tear ducts will open, and you fear that the tears won’t stop.

There is hurt.

There’s deep sadness. There’s regret. There’s longing.

When anyone experiences betrayal, there is a lack of trust and respect.

Sometimes, you may even question what you did wrong. Is it your fault your partner or spouse betrayed you?

You never thought you’d fall in love with or be in a relationship with someone who could hurt you this way.

And now you’re wondering how you both can move on from this. Do you even want to stay with them at this point?

And if there are kids in the picture… how do you hold it together?

Infidelity Img2Counseling can be a start for healing.

Counseling supports rebuilding those blocks, brick by brick. Sometimes, there seems to be no progress, while for others, there’s a “baby step.”

Counseling provides an outside perspective to look into the situation and provide client-centered solutions.

During the counseling process, I provide support for both parties involved. I do my best to remain neutral in this process. My approach is client-centered and solution-focused care. In the initial session, I identify why you’re seeking counseling and why now.

When it comes to infidelity, some reasons led up to the betrayal. During counseling, the goal is to explore those, create understanding for both parties, and develop a plan to move forward with the next steps in the relationship toward healing and reconciliation.

Sometimes, a bridge must be re-engineered to build a stronger foundation.

The betrayal you are feeling is overwhelming and normal.

There can be so much shame and embarrassment involved.

What’s next?

Reaching out is the next step. It must be when you are ready to be part of the therapeutic process. You may have one foot that is willing and one foot that is not. That’s okay. One step is enough.

Acknowledging the hurt is there. Your one step is enough to want to get help and support with the one step.

I offer a free 15-minute consultation to see if I would be a “good fit” for you. There’s no pressure at all during this call. Sometimes, people just want to call and ask me a few questions they have. Questions are always welcome. They may need to think about their decision; it is a big decision, and that is totally fine with me.

Call today: (734) 846-7535.