Marital Counseling

Marital Counseling Img 1You made a commitment.

It could have been a civil ceremony, an elopement, a church wedding, or a wedding on a pier overlooking the water.

The ceremony could have happened a month ago, 15 years ago, or 45 years ago.

Looking back, you ponder, question, and cherish your marriage.

And sometimes… you regret that you are married.

The years have flown by in some ways, and at other times, the marriage has seemed so slow, as if you are watching your life at a slow speed.

Is there hope for my marriage?

Where should I look first?

If you try to get help in your hometown, which may be too close to home, everyone may find out you’re struggling.

Marital Counseling2The mirror you present of your marriage is shattered.

You’ve established your roots, family, and livelihood, which could all be affected.

What if your friends found out your marriage is on the rocks? Will they isolate you or take sides?

You think it’s better to keep quiet and continue doing what you’re doing instead. It’s safer. It’s easier. It doesn’t require as much work. You’re comfortable in your quality of life…

Or are you?

Sometimes, you experience feelings of shame and embarrassment about what your marriage “really looks like.”

You desire it to match the pictures you post on social media. But deep down in your heart and soul, it doesn’t – you’ve known it for some time.

You’re arguing more often. There are times when you prefer to spend more time away from your spouse than together.

Some days, you go without speaking to each other unless you say, “Good morning” or “Goodnight.”

What do you do about it? If anything?

Marriage counseling offers hope.

Marital counseling focuses on building a stronger marriage, rebuilding, or putting some of the foundational building blocks into your marriage to ensure increased communication.

The modality that I frequently use is called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. During our sessions, I address the thinking patterns individuals bring into the marriage. The thoughts are closely looked at and how thinking affects behavior. Sometimes, those connections are unknown, which is part of the counseling process.

We all want and desire to be heard and understood. When that happens, it’s healing and soothing to the soul.

Part of communication is also making eye contact with your partner – it’s integral to human connection. Emotions can get in the way of making eye contact. Eye contact is a universal theme when it comes to communicating with someone.

Sometimes, the “box” (the phone) gets in the way of communication. You may sometimes think about throwing the phone out the car window or in the kitchen sink. I hear you. I see you.

And it’s important that your counselor is a “good fit” for you and your spouse. Not every counselor is a good fit for a couple.

I want to ensure your marriage gets the care and support it needs.

Reach out today, and let’s see if we’re a good fit to work together.

And if we aren’t, that’s okay. I can help connect with someone else who can help. I often say, “You always have me in your back pocket.”

Call me today: (734) 846-7535.